Marko O A Kaittola

This is my home page. Or at least this is what I call my home page. After all, it tells something about me, and is maintained by me.

For work related information look elsewhere. For my links, look here.

There are some pictures about me.

Contact information

I can be contacted using any of the following addresses:
Private EMail:
FirstName @ LastName . NET
+358 44 553 8990
Postal mail:
Marko Kaittola
Niemeläntie 8
54710 Lemi

A very short introduction

I am married, and have two very nice sons, Tuomas and Teemu. We used to live in a rural area, in the middle of a forest, but have relocated to a nice suburban community of Lemi. It seems to take a while to get used to the idea of having neighbourgs visible from our house...

There are many things I have started as a hobby, and almost as many things that I have given up. Reading books seems to be the only one that have stuck with me for almost all of my live. A good candidate for being the other permanentish thing seems to be going to a marriage camp (avioliittoleiri) every summer. Of course, I also like playing with computers, although I don't play computer games. My most expensive hobby is playing with boats[1], [2].

Some quotes

I have collected some interesting quotes. Here are two examples, related to EMail.

Making EMail work vs. X.400

Subject: Re: Stripping RFC 1327 source routes
From: Einar Stefferud <>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1993 14:02:43 -0700
Message-Id: <>
As I see it, some of us are trying to make EMail work, and others of
us are trying to make X.400 win.  This makes life very difficult for
all of us, since our goals are quite orthogonal.  In this frame of
reference, I must ask the following question: "Are you trying to get
something done, or are you just trying to make a statement?"

X.25 links used by ADMDs

In EEMA Briefing (Vol 8, No 2, July/August 1995, page 6) Walter Tiez reported on Commercial Service Providers Committee meeting:

"ADMDs are being urged to consider the following items to improve awareness, performance, and quality of service:

A more recent quote in Finnish (origin unknown)

Olipa kerran Soneran tietoliikenneasiantuntia (dipl.ins) ja hän joutui kertausharjoituksiin. Siellä joutui sitten ampumaan rynnäkkökiväärillä tauluun. Ampui eka sarjan, pisteenlaskija ilmoitti, että ei yhtään osumaa. Yritti uudestaan, sama tulos. Yritti kolmannen kerran ja yksi kuti hipaisi taulun reunaa. Tyyppi hermostui aivan totaalisesti ja laittoi sormen piipun eteen ja veti liipaisimesta. Ase laukesi ja sormestä hävisi pää pois. Tyyppi tuijotti sormen tynkää ja huusi pisteenlaskijalle "Täältä lähtee ihan oikein, vika täytyy olla siellä päässä..."

How to write code

(Originally from

Always code as if the person who will maintain your code is a maniac serial killer that knows where you live.

[22 Janyary 2009]